Sunday, September 7, 2008


It's been a long time since my last entry. There's been a lot going on

We took our last camping trip for the summer over Labor Day weekend. Wish we had known about this campground before. It was in a "forest" with lots of shade. It was a much more comfortable weekend for camping. Much cooler than the last two times. I'm thinking that Jazz is not really fond of camping. She wouldn't sleep with me the whole weekend. She slept with Loretta, who already had her dog in her bed. As soon as we got home, Jazz was more than happy to sit in my lap.

Work has been busy. I have a new computer and a new printer that will go to PA with me. We will begin testing our new processes in a couple weeks to be sure that they will work. We may find a few things that need to be tweaked. I've said that I will close my door, close the blinds, come in my PJs and pretend that I am working from home. Guess I won't really do that.

One of my concerns was driving the truck to PA by myself with a car in tow. One of my uncles has volunteered to fly out and help me drive back. He is a truck driver so that makes me feel a whole lot better. I will probably not tow my car and will try to sell it before I leave.

I've done a little packing and sorting things out that I won't keep. I plan to have a yard sale in a couple weeks and hope to get rid of some stuff.

Sometimes you have to wonder what God is up to. He is answering prayers about the move and then there are some monkey wrenches thrown into the mix. A few days after my uncle let me know that he would come out to help drive back, I experienced trouble with my car. I had to have the thermostat replaced and the reservoir. Then I started having trouble with my computer. It wouldn't boot up. I took it to the shop and they said it was the motherboard and would cost $400-$500. Might as well buy a new one. I brought it back home and started looking online to see if there had been a recall on this model. Turns out there is a special warranty for the problems I am experiencing. However, HP is not convinced that I am truly experiencing the problems that are covered by this warranty. They are sending me a box to ship it to them and they will make that determination after they look at it. The problem is that it will not always boot up. Sometimes it will, but most times it won't. Since I talked to HP last evening, it has booted up every time. I will see how it works until the box comes. So.....what is God trying to teach me through this? Maybe the car thing was just a push to get rid of it before I leave CO. The computer? If it's covered by they special warranty - maybe it's a reminder not to panic and allow God to work it out. Won't it be interesting to get to heaven and find out what God was doing and how far off the mark we were. :-)

I'll try not to make it such a long time before my next post.


Carol said...

Glad to see you back writing again!!! Keep at it. Once you get started and make it a part of your life it will become second nature.

I am so looking forward to you getting home.

Christie said...

Just read your blog and am excited to see how God has been guiding you in your journey. Thanks for sharing!