Thursday, July 17, 2008

I've got a job!!!!

Ever since I submitted my resignation there have been rumors and speculation about the possibility of my working from PA. Over the last week there has been some serious discussion about how that might work and the new processes that might be involved. Wednesday afternoon I had a 2 1/2 hour meeting with Mary, my boss. We discussed almost every aspect of my job and how that might work remotely and if it really is the best solution. We came to the conclusion that it is possible and may be the best solution. After Pam, the CFO, talked to the president this morning and told him that we thought this was the way to go, he gave his "blessing". I told Carlis this morning and it was announced to our team in our team meeting this morning. There will be a three month trial once I start working from home in PA to see if it really will work the way we think it will. I am truly excited. I was not looking forward to training someone and I love what I do and didn't really want to give up my job. It will also help my bosses as they have enough on their plates and really don't have time to pick up the slack until someone new would be up to speed.

The plan is for my last day in the office to be October 15th. I hope to pack up the truck on Thursday and Friday and hopefully leave here on that Saturday. It will depend on how much is left to do and when I can get help to load the truck. If I'm driving alone, I expect to take three days driving. Anyone up for a road trip?

God has really provided in a way that I wasn't expecting and is far above what I would have asked for or even thought. Isn't it great to be His child?!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Tent Camping

Over the last year or so I thought that I might give tent camping a try. I love being outdoors and sitting by the campfire. But, I also love a shower and hate being dirty. So....what makes me think I would like tent camping? My idea of camping, for many years, has been a trailer or RV where all the comforts of home are included.

I researched tents and found the one I wanted and ordered it. Then I searched yard sales for some equipment. I bought a coleman stove, a coleman lantern, some pots and pans and utensils. And, of course, an air mattress. Then I began picking up other accessories at Wal-Mart. Soon I had accumulated enough "stuff" to go camping. I asked a friend, Loretta, if she was interested in going along. She has a brother (Chip) to my dog Jazz. So, we set a date (this past weekend), made lists and prepared to take the dogs and go camping.

Thursday we got off work early and loaded up the car and arrived at the campground around 4:00. We didn't go far....about 30 miles from home. We set up camp in about an hour or so and then headed back to town for Rachel's soccer game. We got there a little late and there were thunderstorms all around. At half time they decided to not play the rest of the game due to the storms. So, we headed back to the campground (after stopping at Loretta's house because she forgot her pillow). We got to see fireworks on our way back. I also hit a pot hole and flattened a tire on the way back. We were only a 1/4 mile from the campground so we called AAA on Saturday and they came and fixed it.

Our first night was very warm but cooled off towards morning. It was a hot the 90s both Friday and Saturday. We just sort of sat around and talked and read and took naps and.....didn't do much. We tried to stay out of the heat as much as possible. The coleman stove worked like a charm and we did some charcoal grilling. Yes, we got dirty but there were showers close by. Overall, the experience was a success. We had a great time and we think the dogs did as well. Our only real problems were the heat and biting flies. I think it was worth all the work involved. Next time maybe we can find a cook and housekeeper to go along so we won't have to cook our meals and keep the tent clean. :-)

It's good to be back home and I'm looking forward to sleeping in my bed tonight but we are planning our next trip. Probably Labor Day weekend if not before.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Monday, June 23, I submitted my resignation. I was very nervous and anxious to get it over with. I was trying to get three people together at the same time so that was proving to be a little tricky on a day when there were meetings and other things going on. I found a time in the morning between meetings and asked them if I could talk to them. I talked to my boss, Mary, the CFO, Pam and the director of trust services, Joseph. Pam sort of had a feeling but I believe that Mary and Joseph were shocked at the news. I simply told them that I believed that it was time for me to move back to PA to help out my folks. They understood but were not happy about losing me. I have said that I will stay as long as they want as long as it is not longer than the middle of October. Joseph was on vacation the last part of the week and Mary has been on vacation this past week. They will be talking about looking for someone to take my place soon and we will work out a final exit date. It will be good to have a date and be able to work towards that.

Later in the afternoon on Monday I had an evaluation to do for Carlis (the trust accountant under me). At the end of that meeting I told her that I was leaving.

Tuesday morning a short staff meeting was called to tell the rest of the staff of my departure. I've gotten all kinds of comments, including being called a traitor (in fun) and asking if I would send care packages of home baked goodies.

It is good to know that I will be missed: for my cooking, friendship and work skills. I know that I am not indispensable but I also know that it will be a challenge to find someone to take my place and get them trained before I leave. You can pray that the right person is found in the right time.

I know that where God leads, He provides so I am trusting Him to provide the perfect job for me in PA. It will be exciting to see what He does in the next few months.