Thursday, July 17, 2008

I've got a job!!!!

Ever since I submitted my resignation there have been rumors and speculation about the possibility of my working from PA. Over the last week there has been some serious discussion about how that might work and the new processes that might be involved. Wednesday afternoon I had a 2 1/2 hour meeting with Mary, my boss. We discussed almost every aspect of my job and how that might work remotely and if it really is the best solution. We came to the conclusion that it is possible and may be the best solution. After Pam, the CFO, talked to the president this morning and told him that we thought this was the way to go, he gave his "blessing". I told Carlis this morning and it was announced to our team in our team meeting this morning. There will be a three month trial once I start working from home in PA to see if it really will work the way we think it will. I am truly excited. I was not looking forward to training someone and I love what I do and didn't really want to give up my job. It will also help my bosses as they have enough on their plates and really don't have time to pick up the slack until someone new would be up to speed.

The plan is for my last day in the office to be October 15th. I hope to pack up the truck on Thursday and Friday and hopefully leave here on that Saturday. It will depend on how much is left to do and when I can get help to load the truck. If I'm driving alone, I expect to take three days driving. Anyone up for a road trip?

God has really provided in a way that I wasn't expecting and is far above what I would have asked for or even thought. Isn't it great to be His child?!

1 comment:

Diane said...

Isn't it exciting to see God working out all the details of your move to PA and to give you the desire of your heart being able to continue to work with the company that you love. I am so excited for you.